Northern European Alliance for Sustainable Energy
Energy Valley has joined the Northern European Alliance for Sustainable Energy to work on speeding up hydrogen strategies across Europe, development actions, and establishing the first, large-scale interregional hydrogen valley in Europe.
The Northern European Alliance for Sustainable Energy consists of members from seven Northern European countries, i.e., Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Scotland/UK, and Sweden.

Position Paper
Northern European Alliance for Sustainable Energy has published a position paper, The Northern European Hydrogen Opportunity – to capture the opportunity through cooperation. The paper calls for fast implementation of the hydrogen strategies across Europe and suggests concrete actions to speed up the process.
Renewable hydrogen is expected to play a key role in the clean energy transition for solving the climate challenge. The estimated potential for production in Northern Europe is big enough to enable establishment of carbon-neutral societies in the Northern Europe and beyond. The full utilisation of the clean hydrogen potential also introduces an opportunity to reduce imported carbon through coordinated use of local resources and by implementing sector integration possibilities.
Reaching the full potential of hydrogen economy requires tight cooperation in Northern Europe. This includes pilot and demonstration projects, innovation capacities across borders for all parts of the hydrogen value network, shaping the common operational environment, system-level studies about the role of hydrogen in the future energy and industrial systems, and building competence through training.
Read the whole position paper here.
Funding opportunities & Projects
We work continuously on identifying funding opportunities for cross-border collaboration projects.
We have successfully secured €25M on project funding for our first project: BalticSeaH2.
The focus for the next year is hydrogen calls, including RDI, regulation, safety, and education, amongst other topics.
If we have not already reached you and you are interested on hearing more about the current funding opportunities, please get in touch with our contact below.