Hydrogen Forum – Markedsforventninger i en usikker verden

19 – 19 Dec08:15 – 09:00

En felles møteplass for hydrogenutvikling

Etter vårt første Hydrogen Forum under ONS i august 2024, er vi nå klare for å fortsette samtalen! Dette rekker du før du tar ferie – meld deg på nå!

Hydrogen Forum: Bakgrunn og visjon

Energy Valley lanserer Hydrogen Forum som en sentral møteplass for samarbeid, kunnskapsdeling og utvikling innen hydrogen. Formålet med forumet er å samle aktører fra næringsliv, akademia og offentlig sektor for å styrke Norges posisjon som en ledende hydrogenregion.

Hydrogen Forum er en naturlig videreføring av Energy Valleys arbeid i BalticSeaH2, et ambisiøst EU-prosjekt som tar sikte på å etablere Europas første storskala, grensekryssende hydrogendal (“hydrogen valley”). Som en del av BalticSeaH2 har Energy Valley en nøkkelrolle i å lede aktivitetene relatert til Norge. Dette innebærer blant annet:

  • Å utvikle en visjon for sosial transformasjon og engasjement.
  • Å legge til rette verdiskaping og replikering av suksesshistorier.
  • Å spre kunnskap og fremme hydrogenens potensial.

Energy Valleys Hydrogen Forum vil:

  • Bygge bro mellom nasjonale og europeiske initiativ.
  • Synliggjøre muligheter for norsk næringsliv i et europeisk hydrogenmarked.
  • Legge til rette for kunnskapsdeling og innovasjon på tvers av sektorer.

Bli med på neste Hydrogen Forum 19. desember!

Markedsforventninger i en usikker verden

Hvordan ser fremtiden ut for hydrogenmarkedet i en verden preget av økonomisk usikkerhet og politisk turbulens? Før juleferien setter inn, inviterer vi til en morgen med fokus på markedsforventninger, internasjonale drivere og Norges muligheter som hydrogenaktør.

Gjennom en engasjerende paneldebatt med eksperter fra Menon, H2Cluster og andre nøkkelaktører vil vi utforske temaer som fallende aksjekurser, EUs rolle i energiomstillingen og hvordan Norges hydrogenstrategi kan hevde seg i en global kontekst.

Program 19. desember

08:15–08:20: Velkommen og introduksjon

Kort introduksjon av tema og panelister ved Energy Valley.

08:20–08:40: Paneldebatt – Hydrogenmarkedet i dagens globale kontekst

Temaer som tas opp:

  • Hvordan psykologien påvirker troen på hydrogenets fremtid.
  • Hva betyr fallende aksjekurser for hydrogenbransjen?
  • Hvordan påvirker Trumps politikk og manglende subsidiefokus fornybarnæringens utvikling?
  • EU som pådriver for energiomstilling – muligheter og utfordringer.
  • Hvordan kan Norges hydrogenstrategi stå seg i en turbulent verden?


  • Menon: Even Vinje, Partner: Perspektiver på økonomiske analyser og markedsforventninger.
  • H2Cluster: Daniel Ras-Vidal, CEO
  • Steffen Møller-Holst, VP Marked: Markedspotensial og teknologisk utvikling innen hydrogen.
  • Flere navn kommer!

08:40–08:55: Q&A og åpen diskusjon

Publikum inviteres til å stille spørsmål til paneldeltakerne.

08:55–09:00: Oppsummering og veien videre

Oppsummering av diskusjonen og avsluttende ord ved Energy Valley.

Partners in BalticSeaH2.

Mer om BalticSeaH2

BalticSeaH2 er et EU-finansiert prosjekt koordinert av CLIC Innovation og Gasgrid Finland. Prosjektet har hovedfokus på hydrogendalen mellom Sør-Finland og Estland og har som mål å revolusjonere energilandskapet, fremme selvforsyning og redusere karbonutslipp på tvers av ulike industrier. Erfaringer og resultater fra denne hydrogendalen skal kopieres til andre regioner i prosjektet, inkludert Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Latvia, Litauen, Polen og Nord-Tyskland.

Gjennom BalticSeaH2 skal over 20 demonstrasjonsprosjekter og mer enn 10 investeringscaser vise hvordan hydrogen kan brukes i ulike sektorer. Samlet vil dette tiltrekke investeringer på over 4 milliarder euro. Ved prosjektets slutt er det forventet at hydrogenproduksjonen vil nå et årlig potensial på 100 000 tonn, noe som vil gjøre det mulig for ulike industrier å bruke eller selge hydrogen og dets derivater.

Hydrogen valleys” som modell

Hydrogendaler representerer en helhetlig tilnærming til hydrogenøkosystemer, hvor verdikjeden fra produksjon til distribusjon og bruk er samlet i én geografisk region. Dette gjør det mulig å utvikle lokal infrastruktur og knytte produksjon og bruk av hydrogen direkte til industrielle behov og nye markeder.

EU Funding Opportunities – Sweet’n Short Webinar

12 – 12 Dec08:15 – 09:00

Get valuable insights in just 45 minutes! In a busy world, we offer you a compact webinar where you will:

  • Learn about EU funding opportunities for innovation and scaling, focusing on the EIC Accelerator program.
  • Discover trends among Energy Valley members and how they position themselves in the energy value chain.
  • Get a glimpse of the road ahead in our workshop series on innovation and value creation.

Who should join?

This webinar is designed for companies aiming to leverage EU funding for innovative projects and business growth. If you are not the right contact person, feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues responsible for innovation, business development, or project financing.


Introduction: Knut Linnerud (EU Advisor, Energy Valley) shares key findings from the EV member analysis and introduces participants.

EU Funding for Innovation: Maria Erdal Askim (NCP for EIC Horizon Europe, Innovation Norway) provides insights into EU programs supporting companies and technology projects.

EU funding opportunities for fostering innovation and scaling up new technologies and companies:

  • Funding possibilities available under Pillar 3, Innovative Europe in Horizon Europe, with a special emphasis on the EIC Accelerator programme.
  • Goal of the session is to give insights into how these funding mechanisms can support innovative projects and companies, and help breakthrough deep tech innovations to scale globally. 

Conclusion: An outlook on the next workshop and collaboration opportunities.

Webinar: Scandinavian collaboration in Offshore Wind

27 – 27 Nov14:00 – 15:30

Invitation to webinar on Scandinavian collaboration in Offshore Wind

Energy Valley and Energy Cluster Denmark invite you to participate in a webinar on offshore wind on November 27, 2024. This event is a part of a workshop series, and offers a unique opportunity to connect with key stakeholders from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, strengthen cross-border collaboration, and explore future opportunities within the offshore wind sector.

Program overview

This webinar, supported by Capgemini and funded by Akershus County Municipality, will present findings from a recent study on the Scandinavian wind energy industry. It will also open up for a broader dialogue on potential innovation and collaboration opportunities across borders.


14:00 – 14:15: Welcome and introduction, including brief introductions of all participants

14:15 – 14:35: Presentation by Capgemini – Offshore Wind report findings

14:35 – 15:15: Panel Discussion – Opportunities for Scandinavian collaboration in Offshore Wind

2 minutes individual introductions. Open discussion with the opportunity for questions from the audience.

15:15 – 15:30: Wrap-up and next steps


ABB: Frank Wilhelmsen, Segment Manager, Offshore Wind

Aker Solutions: Christoffer Valstad, Senior Vice President – New Energies

DNV: Sille Grjotheim, Global segment director for floating offshore wind

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy: Per Hessellund, Offshore Research Manager

This event is part of a workshop series

The workshop series is strategically coordinated to build upon bilateral collaboration within offshore wind industry and the findings from Capgemini’s report, utilizing insights on specialized expertise in Norway (offshore), Denmark (wind turbines), and Sweden (industrialization).
This program maximizes the value of the project by creating a clear direction for future collaboration and funding opportunities for cross-border offshore wind initiatives.
We hope you can participate and look forward to insightful discussions and the opportunity to contribute to sustainable energy development across Scandinavia.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Energy Valley & Energy Cluster Denmark
In collaboration with Capgemini and Akershus County Municipality

What’s new in the EIC in 2025 – EU funding for deep tech research and high growth potential SMEs

27 – 27 Nov10:00 – 11:30
© Getty Images/Håkan Dahlstrøm

The European Innovation Council (EIC) offers support to game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle from early-stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of startups and SMEs.

The EIC is Europe’s flagship innovation programme to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game-changing innovations. Norwegian innovators are eligible to apply to this programme.

During this event you will receive a short introduction to each funding option and the focus will be on what is new in the work programme for 2025. In the last half hour of the event, you can choose between two different sessions: Pathfinder and Transition or Accelerator and STEP (Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform). In these sessions you will get to know the programs in more detail, and you will have the possibility to ask questions.

The different funding options in EIC and who is it for:
EIC Pathfinder provides research and innovation grants for breakthrough research from laboratory to prototype.

EIC Transition provides market-readiness grants for preparing to enter the market (must build on results already achieved within an EU funded eligible project). 

EIC Accelerator provides scaleup grants and equity investments for scaling up breakthrough innovations and high growth businesses.

STEP Scale Up provides major investments to help companies become global leaders.

You can find more information on the different EIC funding options here.

Target group: companies and researchers with breakthrough and visionary research concepts and deep tech innovations


10.00 Introduction
10.05 EIC Pathfinder
10.15 EIC Transition
10.20 Pathfinder project example presented by Konstantinos Gavriil, SINTEF Digital
10.30 EIC Accelerator
10.40 EIC Accelerator project example presented by Christian Testman, Ocean Visuals AS
10.50 EIC Step Scale Up
10.55 Q&A
11.00-11.30 Breakout sessions:
1) EIC Pathfinder/EIC Transition
2) EIC Accelerator/EIC STEP Scale up

This webinar is organised by Innovation Norway in collaboration with the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The list of registered participants will also be shared with RCN.

Offshore Wind workshop series: Unlocking industry growth by leveraging synergies and collaboration across Scandinavia

27 – 18 Jun00:00 – 00:00
Various locations

Energy Valley and Energy Cluster Denmark invite you to participate in an offshore wind workshop series focused on unlocking industry growth by leveraging synergies and collaboration across Scandinavia.

The workshop series is strategically coordinated to build upon bilateral collaboration within offshore wind industry and the findings from Capgemini’s report, utilizing insights on specialized expertise in Norway (offshore), Denmark (wind turbines), and Sweden (industrialization). This program maximizes the value of the project by creating a clear direction for future collaboration and funding opportunities for cross-border offshore wind initiatives.

This is a unique opportunity to connect with key stakeholders from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, strengthen cross-border collaboration, and explore future opportunities within the offshore wind sector.

We hope you can participate and look forward to insightful discussions and the opportunity to contribute to sustainable energy development across Scandinavia.

Offshore Wind W1: 27th of November, Webinar on Scandinavian collaboration in Offshore Wind

This webinar, supported by Capgemini and funded by Akershus County Municipality, will present findings from a recent study on the Scandinavian wind energy industry. It will also open up for a broader dialogue on potential innovation and collaboration opportunities across borders.

Offshore Wind W2: 21st of January 2025, Oslo, Fornebu, Breakfast seminar:

Gathering to dive deeper into business opportunities and potential collaborations, including commercial and legal perspectives, based on Capgemini’s findings. This workshop will be held in cooperation with Capgemini and Thommessen, creating an ideal forum for knowledge sharing and networking for Norwegian and Danish (and potentially Swedish) participants.

Offshore Wind W3: Billund, Denmark (February 2025)

Matchmaking and networking between Scandinavian stakeholders in offshore wind, held in an accessible location for Danish wind industry representatives.

Offshore Wind W4 : Norway/Sweden (April 2025)

Company and industry site visits to deepen collaboration and develop concrete projects.

Offshore Wind W5: Norway/Denmark/Sweden (June 2025)

Final workshop focused on formalizing collaborations and exploring funding options to strengthen cross-border projects within offshore wind.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Energy Valley’s EU Advisor, Knut Linnerud, at knut.linnerud@energyvalley.com.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
Energy Valley & Energy Cluster Denmark
In collaboration with Capgemini and Akershus County Municipality

EU: Funding Opportunities

15 – 15 Nov08:15 – 09:00

Introduction to EU Funding Opportunities and Priorities for 2025

Take a sneak peek at the upcoming calls for proposals in 2025 from the EU

Introduction (Knut Linnerud, EU Advisor at EV):

– The role of the EU Council and its influence on funding priorities

– Brief overview of the workshop series

– Objectives of this specific workshop

Overview of EU Funding Opportunities (Tim Genge, NCP, Innovation Norway):

– Overview of EU funding opportunities aimed at various member groups

– Discussion: Which funding opportunities are particularly relevant or less relevant for EV?

– Q&A: Member questions on funding opportunities

Announcements for Spring 2025 (Tim Genge, NCP, Innovation Norway)

– Priorities: Members’ wishes and needs for future EU calls and support

Conclusion (Knut Linnerud, EU Advisor at EV):

– Brief overview of the next workshop and the way forward

Finansier ditt havvindprosjekt gjennom Horisont Europa

23 – 23 Oct13:00 – 14:00

Energy Valley tipser: Webinar arrangert av GCE Ocean Technology

Verdens største program for forskning og innovasjon, Horisont Europa, har flere kommende utlysninger for innovasjonsprosjekter innen havvind. Lær mer i dette webinaret der vi går gjennom utvalgte finansieringsmuligheter.

Horisont Europa er et viktig verktøy for energiomstilling og innovasjon, og fremover kommer det mange muligheter for forskning og innovasjon innen havvind.

Dette webinaret går gjennom utvalgte utlysninger for å vise hvilke muligheter for finansiering som finnes i EUs rammeprogram for forskning og innovasjon.

Utlysninger i 2025 og 2026

GCE Ocean Technology vil i dette webinaret gå gjennom både publiserte utlysninger med frist i første kvartal 2025, samt utlysninger som blir publisert senere i år med frist i 2026. Vær tidlig ute for å få informasjon om hva som kommer og hvordan du kan posisjonere deg for de kommende utlysningene.

Tematikk for utlysningene som vil gjennomgås er blant annet:

  • Demonstrasjon av innovative konsepter for flytende havvind
  • Minimering av miljøpåvirkninger og optimalisering av sosioøkonomiske effekter ved utbygging, drift og avvikling av havvindparker
  • Innovativ produksjon av vindenergiteknologi
  • Forbedret pålitelighet og optimalisert drift og vedlikehold for vindenergisystemer
  • Forstå og minimere miljøpåvirkningene av havvind

Vi vil også se på mulighetene i EUs innovasjonsfond, samt komme med gode råd for hvordan å lykkes med EU-prosjekter.

Deltakelse og kostnad

Webinaret er gratis og åpent for alle.


Meld deg på webinaret.

Hydrogen Trade Mission Chile – Information Seminar

05 – 05 Mar13:00 – 14:15

Hydrogen Trade Mission Chile – Information Seminar

Innovation Norway and Team Norway invite the Norwegian hydrogen value chain for a Hydrogen Trade Mission to Chile in April 2024.

In this context, we invite you, together with Chilean authorities and Energy Valley, to a digital seminar on March 5th from 13:00-14:15. This seminar will give you the latest update on the hydrogen value chain and projects in Chile along with ambition and plan for the hydrogen Trade Mission to Chile. Sign up for the digital seminar today.


  • Introduction by Energy Valley
  • Introduction by First Secretary Michel Lavín
  • Chile’s position in the global race for hydrogen. Ivar-Jo Theien, Innovation Norway.
  • Hydrogen Landscape, Developments and Opportunities in Chile. Mr. Juan Pablo Purcell, InvestChile. Mr. José Fuster, CORFO.
  • Trade Mission Hydrogen Chile, Bruno Leiniö
  • Q&A

Any questions about the digital seminar can be directed to helena.jensby@energyvalley.com.

Green hydrogen in Chile

Chile’s combination of abundant renewable resources, low-cost energy production, strategic geographical location, supportive political environment, investments, and commitment to decarbonization turns it into a compelling and potential hub for green hydrogen production. Chile has set ambitious decarbonization goals, aiming to become carbon-neutral by 2050. Green hydrogen plays a pivotal role in achieving these targets by replacing traditional fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, Chile has set ambitious targets for green hydrogen investments and production. The country aims to position itself as main green hydrogen production and export hub already by 2030, and It is partially funding 6 initial projects. The convergence of these factors makes Chile an attractive destination for Norwegian companies looking to develop projects, and to provide solutions and services for this growing green hydrogen market.

You can read more about the Hydrogen Trade Mission to Chile here.