Valley Voice: Energy storage technologies

Get to know one of our new members, Planck Technologies, in this edition of Valley Voice. Listen Managing Director & Founder of Planck Technologies, Maryam Ghadrdan, talks about optimizing the current and discovering the next generation energy storage materials.

Watch it below or on Vimeo.

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Valley Voice: Creating the Energy Sources of Tomorrow with Deep Wind Offshore

Get to know one of our new members, Deep Wind Offshore, in this edition of Valley Voice. Hear CEO of Deep Wind Offshore, Knut Vassboten, talk about what the company does, what steps the company is taking to reach net-zero and more.

Watch it below or on Vimeo.

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Valley Voice: Cracking the Challenges of Tomorrow with the Knowledge and Skill Sets of TGS

Get to know one of our new members, TGS, in this edition of Valley Voice.  Hear EVP for Digital Energy Solutions, Jan Schoolmeesters, talk about what the company does, what steps the company is taking to reach net zero, and more.

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